All in very lighthearted manner, of course.

If your idea is as amazing as you think it is, we’d love to include you in the discussion.If however, you call us and leave a drunken message about anything other than the coolest new way to do something rescue related, we do reserve the right to (and most likely will) post the aforementioned message on all social media outlets, making it the punch line of many jokes for years to come. Oh.by the way, call or email us and let us know what you'd like to hear in our next podcast. So, if those people that really haven't noticed you in the past, suddenly start stalking you - Element Rescue accepts no responsibility, or we can take full credit, that will depend on the mental status of said stalker.

We are posting new podcasts kind of frequently, just not regularly (frankly, we thought the anticipation of when to expect the next episode would keep things new and exciting, your welcome), and there is a good chance they may change your life.Īlso, they will make you more attractive to people that you wish were more interested in you.FACT. Apparently it makes listening to our sick speaking & interviewing skills on long boring car drives easier. What's New: Element Rescue Podcasts After getting beat down by some very loyal followers and team members we started posting some of our older podcasts on iTunes, and you can subscribe to our RSS feed (whatever that means).